Ph (02) 6772-2233
117 Barney St, Armidale, NSW 2350

Patient Information


Our practice is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information.Your medical record is a confidential document.

It is the policy of this practice to maintain the security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized members of staff.

To view our Privacy Policy click here.

Monday          9am-5pm
Tuesday          9am-5pm
Wednesday     9am-5pm
Thursday         9am-5pm
Friday              9am-5pm
Saturday          9am-12pm

Closed  Sundays & Public Holidays


All new patients are required to complete our New Patient Form. New patients who do not complete the New Patient form prior to arrival should arrive fifteen minutes prior to their scheduled appointment time in order to complete the form.

As well as a completed New Patient Form, new patients should also bring their Medicare Card and any other relevant Pension cards.

Should you wish to have your medical records transferred from your previous doctor we can arrange for this with your written permission.

If you are a New Patient and fail to attend your first appointment without notification you will not be seen at Armidale Medical Centre in the future.

If you require an urgent appointment or have a sick child, please call the surgery on 02 6772 2233 and advise the reception staff who will organise the same day appointment.

Appointments can be booked either by calling 02 6772 2233 or by booking online by using the green BOOK ONLINE  tab on the right-hand side of this screen.  A simple registration process is initially required after which you can book, cancel and review your appointments online.

You can also download and install an App from Google Play or the App Store for Smartphones and Tablets.  This will enable you to book, cancel and review appointments as well as receiving reminders on the go on your mobile device.

Standard appointment time is 15 minutes. Longer appointments may be necessary if you are a new patient, have a number of issues, have forms that need to be completed, require a medical, or require a minor surgical procedure.

Although the doctors attempt to run on time, it is not always possible.  If you are concerned please call prior to your appointment to check if the doctor is running on time.

We will send you an SMS reminder the day before your appointment.  Please advise our receptionists if you do not want to receive a reminder.

If you or a family member requires an interpreter service we can organise this for you, please advise us of this at the time of booking your appointment.

We are a mixed billing Clinic.  Our fees are based on the schedule of fees set out by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care and the Australian Medical Association.  They are determined by complexity, time, and individual circumstances.


Consultation Fee Your Medicare Rebate Out of pocket expense
Brief Appointment $35.00 $19.6 $15.40
Standard Appointment $80.00 $42.85 $37.15
Long Appointment $135.00 $82.90 $52.10
Prolonged Appointment $180.00 $122.15 $57.85
Brief Telephone Appointment $32.00 $19.60 $12.40
Standard Telephone Appointment $67.00 $42.85 $24.15

A standard consultation is simple (one problem) and may last up to 15 minutes.  Longer and more complicated consultations, as well as excisions and procedures, involve higher fees.  Fees are charged for all home visits, Workers Compensation consultations, third party insurance cases and for employment, insurance, and commercial driver’s license examinations.  

We will only Bulk Bill consultations for Commonwealth Pension Concession and Healthcare Card holders, Department of Veteran’s Affairs Card holders, children under 16 years of age and patients receiving immunisations or vaccinations under the National Immunisation Program and National Influenza Vaccination Program.  If you do not meet any of these criteria you will be expected to pay for your consultation.

All fees are payable at the end of your consultation by cash, EFTPOS or credit card. 

If you have concerns regarding your ability to pay please discuss it with your Doctor at the time of your appointment.

We are registered with Medicare Australia Online, which allows us to process your Medicare claim for you.  To receive your Medicare rebate immediately via Medicare online, you will need to have registered your bank details with Medicare.

Our reception team can provide indicative costs at the time of booking an appointment.

While we understand life gets busy and other commitments pop up from time to time, we require a minimum of 4 hours notice of any cancellation.  This allows adequate time to allocate the appointment to another patient seeking medical care.
A fee applies to non-attendance or late cancellations.

If you are a New Patient and fail to attend your first appointment without notification you will not be seen at Armidale Medical Centre in the future.


We offer brief 5-minute appointments on most days for our regular patients requiring repeat prescriptions for medication that they take regularly.  There are no out of pocket expenses for patients who attend these script clinics.  Bookings are essential.
Please phone the surgery on 02 6772 2233 to make a Script Clinic booking.
Repeat prescriptions for regular medications will only be issued without an appointment if you have had a face to face appointment with the doctor within the last 12 months. These can be requested through AMC Connect at $18 per request.


When requesting a new referrals to specialists, it is necessary to see your Doctor who will assess the nature and urgency of the need, then arrange for you to see the most suited person if necessary.  A referral will contain details of your problem, history, current medication and any relevant test results.  You may request a particular specialist if you wish.  Repeat referrals can be requested via AMS Connect, starting from $25.


You will only be contacted regarding results if your Doctor needs to discuss them with you. If your results are urgent your Doctor will contact you directly.  For Non-urgent results you will be contacted via SMS advising you to book a recall appointment. If you do not respond you will be contacted by reception.

We offer an after hours service for urgent problems.
Phoning the surgery on 02 6772 2233 will give a recorded message telling you how to contact the doctor on call.
You may also call the after hours Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 or FOR EMERGENCIES, DIAL 000 IMMEDIATELY

Home visits are available to regular patients of the practice who are unable to attend the surgery due to certain conditions.  

Our doctors are willing to care for patients in nursing homes and will usually arrange to see them on a regular basis at the nursing home as well as for urgent visits where necessary.  

Armidale Medical Centre has visitation rights at the Armidale Private Hospital and will care for their patients when appropriate.  

Armidale Medical Centre uses BetterConsult to help you get the most out of your doctor appointment. It is a pre-consultation questionnaire that asks a number of questions your doctor would usually ask about your reason for visit and prepares the notes they usually need to type. By knowing this right away, your doctor can focus on the ideal treatment for your health. BetterConsult also allows you to better consider what you want to discuss with your doctor, and help you think through your symptoms in advance.  For more information got to the BetterConsult website.

You will only be contacted regarding results if your Doctor needs to discuss them with you. If your results are urgent your Doctor will contact you directly.  For Non-urgent results you will be contacted via SMS advising you to book a recall appointment. If you do not respond you will be contacted by reception.
Please ensure that we always have your most appropriate and up to date contact details recorded in our files and that you have provided us with:

  • A current, appropriate personal email account (not a shared or work account)
  • Your personal mobile phone number, if you have one

Our practice is committed to providing continuing and preventative care.
We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care.  We utilise these reminder systems for Cervical Screening test (CST) , blood tests, immunisations, health checks and care plans.
It is the policy of The Armidale Medical Centre to enrol patients in the appropriate reminder systems.
In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and to reduce costs we prefer to communicate with our patients using SMS for proactive health reminders.  Please ensure that we always have your most appropriate and up to date contact details recorded in our files and that you have provided us with:

  • A current, appropriate personal email account (not a shared or work account)
  • Your personal mobile phone number, if you have one

If you do not wish to receive information through these methods please advise our reception team who will note your file accordingly.  

Armidale Medical Centre (Formerly Barney Street Medical Practice)
117 Barney Street Armidale NSW 2350

Phone: (02) 6772-2233

Fax: (02) 6772-8855



Access is via the driveway to the right of the building. Please do not park in the driveway or block access to the parking area at the rear of the building, as that access may be required in an emergency. Disabled parking is available in front of the garage at the rear of the building.  

We are always looking for ways to improve our services to patients.

If you have any concerns or suggestions for ways to improve our facilities or services, please contact us by phone (02 6772 2233) or email

You can also submit feedback to us via our Practice Hub feedback form.

If you feel unable to speak to us directly, you may contact the Health Care Complaints Commission

Health Care Complaints Commission
Locked Bag 18
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Phone: 9219 7444

Regional Free call: 1800 043 159


Our Services

  • General health assistance
  • Family and preventative medicine
  • ATSI health checks
  • Immunisations and check ups
  • Women’s, men’s, adolescent’s, children’s, & baby healthcare
  • Sexual health; including family planning, contraception and antenatal care
  • Health advise for overseas travel
  • Health assessments for 45 to 49-year-olds.
  • Health assessments for over  75-year-olds.
  • Minor surgical procedures and cryotherapy
  • Palliative care
  • Asthma & Respiratory health care
  • Chronic disease management & care
  • Pap smears and pregnancy tests
  • Heart checks and ECG’s
  • Weight Management
  • Travel Vaccinations
  • Counselling
  • Sports medicine
  • Skin checks
  • Medical examinations for:

Workers compensation

  • Our doctors provide regular care for nursing home patients, and after hours visits can be arranged by ringing the practice for the number of the doctor on call.  Home visits are available for regular patients of the practice.
Book Appointment Online